Nominal voltage of impulse voltage generator 冲击电压发生器标称电压
The nominal full load voltage and maximum voltage have been computed. 这样就可以计算出满负电压值和最大电压值。
Voltage Regulation Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage. 电压调整率电压调整率描述的是最大和最小稳态电压差与额定电压之间的百分比。
This is generally measured under full load at nominal line voltage. 通常是在满负荷额定线电压下测定的。
The ratio of output power to input power expressed as a percentage. This is generally measured under full load at nominal line voltage. 输出功率与输入功率之比的百分数。通常是在满负荷额定线电压下测定的。
Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load. 下超调下超调指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。
A bandgap reference circuit with the nominal reference voltage adjusted accurately 一种中心值精确可调的高性能带隙基准电压源
Nominal capacity shown is based on standard drain and cut off voltage down to2.0V at20 ℃. 标称容量是指在常温20℃下放电至终止电压为2.0V时的容量。
The two-dimensional equivalent circuit of a nominal thickness mode piezoelectric circular disk and its application to the analysis of the tran-sient induced voltage 压电圆片的二维等效电路及其在分析应电压暂态特性中的应用
The relation between leakage current and hydrophobicity, conductance ratio of salt fog, ESDD ( Equivalent Salt Deposit Density), NSDD ( No soluble Deposit Density), relative humidity under nominal voltage. 额定电压下合成绝缘子的泄漏电流与憎水性、盐雾电导率、等值盐密、等值灰密、空气相对湿度的关系;
Within the redesign of virtual control of nominal system, LgV-backstepping techniques is used. The robust nonlinear control law is proposed to make the power angle and terminal voltage of generator stable. 为了减小励磁输入动态不确定对发电机系统的影响,利用积分反推方法设计名义系统的虚控制,并加入非线性动态阻尼项对虚控制进行再设计,得到系统的鲁棒非线性控制率。
Control the nominal voltage of the generator; 正确调整发电机限额电压;
Explanation of Standard DL/ T812-2002 "Test Method of Power Frequency Arc for Insulator String of Overhead Line with Nominal Voltage High than 1000 V" DL/T812-2002《标称电压高于1000V架空线路用绝缘子串工频电弧试验方法》标准的编制说明
Theoretically the presented amplitude-adjustment possesses following features, they are: ( 1) The values of amplitude-adjustments acquired in the non-failure interval are same and equal to the amplitude of the nominal voltage; 提出了基于两个实值小波变换的修正幅值的新概念,并从理论上说明了该修正幅值具有如下的特性:(1)在非故障区间内取值均相等,且恰好等于额定电压的幅值;
In this method, the phase difference between two compared signals that have same nominal frequency can be converted into voltage signal by phase detector. The voltage signal varies linearly with the phase difference and can be displayed or recorded by some instruments. 此方法是将两个被比对的标称值相同的标准频率信号之间的相位关系,通过线性鉴相器转换成与它成线性关系的电压信号,并通过相应的设备进行显示纪录。